English 6

It was initiated by the Department of Tourism and Historic Environment Preservation of Artsakh CA to revitalize the development of communities on the Southern Tourist Route through tourism and to promote the development of Artsakh tourism. The festival is meant to decipher the traditions of Artsakh winemaking. A platform is being created for Artsakh wine producers, as well as Armenian winemakers, where it is possible to organize the sale of their production, exchange experience, advertise their production, etc. The program of the annual festival included the ancient and unique ritual of winemaking – squeezing wine in a trough, a feast of traditional Artsakh dishes, an exhibition-sale of works of art, an exhibition of archaeological finds from the Toghi Melikka Palace and, of course, an exhibition-fair of wine producers, which represented the 5 regions of Artsakh and Armenia. the wines. The festival is traditionally accompanied by Armenian national song and dance. The festival turns into a national holiday every year․

English 6

My favorite sport

My favorite sport is a volleyball. Volleyball is a sport practiced almost all over the world and has existed since 1859. Two teams take places in their half of the field, divided in half by a net at a certain height. The team’s main goal is to throw the ball into the opponent’s zone over the net.

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The difficulty is that this should be done in such a way that it cannot be recaptured and sent back. Each team attack allows no more than 3 contacts with the ball. Now this game is one of the most popular, keeping pace with football, hockey and other team sports.

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The rules are very simple, special equipment is almost not used, and you can even play in the courtyard of your house or on the beach. Volleyball is played by men and women, adults and children.